Sundance Flying Club
Ground School Sign Up

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Courses Offered

Flight Topics

Sundance Flying Club offers a number of courses on more specialized topics to enhance our members' skills.

Airplane Systems

Sundance Flying Club has a number of airplanes that require more pilot training than is normal. These airplanes have multiple, complex systems. We have found that formal courses ensure that we cover all aspects of these systems in the most effective manner.

The normal way these courses are presented are as 1-on-1 with an instructor, but they can be given in a small group setting as the occasion arises.

Glass Cockpit Transition Courses

glass panel

Sundance Flying Club has aircraft equipped with Aspen Evolution Primary Flight Displays (PFDs). These units provide a Glass Cockpit environment. However, this means that pilots wishing to fly these airplanes will need to come up to speed with this new technology. As part of the checkout procedure for these airplanes, attendance at these courses is required.

Course Contents

Flight Topics

Mountain Flying Ground School

Prerequisite:  None

With the Sierras only an hour away, it is tempting to fly into one of the airports in the mountains. However, there are things you need to know before attempting to do this. The Club rules recognise the challenges involved with mountain flying - they require you to have experience before landing at an airport that is higher than 2500 feet MSL. So before you go on your own, you need to experience mountain flying with an instructor.

This course covers the ground material that your instructor will expect you to understand before you go.

This course takes approximately 2 hours. The cost of $50 includes all course materials. The course is offered on an as needed basis.

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Introduction to Aerobatics

Prerequisite:  None

Have you ever wondered what you would do if you hit wake turbulence? What is it like to spin?

Our Introduction to Aerobatics course is designed for the pilot who has wondered what is involved in experiencing loops, rolls, and spins. It is designed around N6029J, our C150 Aerobat.

This seminar covers the ground material that your instructor will expect you to understand before you go. It is also designed to answer all the questions you might have about Aerobatics, whether about Upset Training, or more advanced work.

This freeseminar takes approximately 2 hours and is offered on an as needed basis.

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Airplane Systems

Beech Duchess N25B

Prerequisite:  None

This course covers the systems of the Beech Duchess. It presents all material required for the Ground Review quizz for the airplane.

This course takes approximately 2 hours. The cost of $50 includes all course materials. The course is offered on an as needed basis.

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Cherokee 6 N600JG

Prerequisite:  None

This course covers the systems of the Cherokee 6. It presents all material required for the Ground Review quizz for the airplane.

This course takes approximately 1 hour. The course is free and is offered on an as needed basis.

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Mooney M20K

Prerequisite:  None

Sundance Flying Club is offering a transition seminar for the Mooney 252 to aid Club members in transitioning to this airplane. It provides an in-depth look at the aircraft, its systems, installed equipment, normal and emergency procedures, performance, flying techniques and safety tips. The seminar should also be an excellent refresher for pilots who already have Mooney experience.

This course takes approximately 3 hours. The course costs $85 or $35 for those who have already attended an M20K course.

The course presenter is Steve Philipson.

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Glass Cockpit Transition Courses

Introduction to the Aspen Evolution PFD

Prerequisite:  None

This course is airplane independent. It gives an in-depth look at the displays, normal operations and emergency procedures for the Aspen PFD.

This course takes approximately 90 minutes. The cost of $50 includes all course materials.

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Aspen PFD and the Garmin 430W

Prerequisite:  Introduction to Aspen PFD

This course is applicable to airplanes equipped with an Aspen PFD and a Garmin 430W. It focuses on the interaction between the two units both for VFR flight and for IFR flight. Familiarity with the Garmin 430W is not required. The use of various autopilots with the Aspen and 430W combination is presented.

This course takes approximately 90 minutes. The cost of $50 includes all course materials.

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Bonanza N7201N Systems and Operation

Prerequisite:  Introduction to Aspen PFD, Aspen PFD & 430W

Building on the content of the other 2 courses, this course covers the highly integrated systems of our V35A Bonanza, N7201N. The Aspen PFD interaction with the airplane's 2-axis autopilot is covered in detail, as is engine management for the big bore TCM IO-520 engine.

This course takes approximately 90 minutes. The cost of $50 includes all course materials.

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Checkout requirements

Course Airplane
N738GE N5302N N8074T N7201N
Introduction to Aspen X X X X
Aspen PFD and 430W X X X
Bonanza Systems X

Course Enrollment

These courses are taught in a small class environment at the Club rooms. They are offered on a regular basis, but you do need to enroll at least 2 days before the date of the course. If we receive insufficient enrollments for a course, we may cancel it and advise you. We collect the fees on the commencement of the course, so you will not be out of pocket should this happen.

These courses include printed materials. You will receive these at the start of each course.

These courses are available to all. You do not have to be a member of Sundance Flying Club to enroll.

You can enroll by contacting the office, either by phone or email, prior to the course. Alternatively, use this page to enroll.

Select the courses you wish to attend and click Submit to enroll!

Your Name:*
Phone number:
Check here if you are a member of Sundance Flying Club:     

Current Courses**


(* indicates a required field)
(** Don't see a date that suits you? Email us your preferred dates and courses you would like.)
(*** Only the courses for which we receive enrollments will be presented on this evening. The actual start time for each course will be adjusted to fit and we will notify you in advance.)