Flight Instructors

Marco Caflisch CFI/CFII/MEI $80/$73 650-353-1168 marco@pardicair.com
Chuck Cali CFI/CFII/MEI 650-269-3015 twincessna@comcast.net
Sherry Diamond CFI/CFII/MEI $100 530-412-0043 sherryflys@gmail.com
Ian Druch AGI/CFI $55 415-508-7580 yankl@sbcglobal.net
Nadav Eiron CFI/CFII/MEI Call 408-209-7664 cfi@take2thesky.com
Yaron Ekshtein CFI/CFII Call 408-391-9356 cfi@learn2fly.us
Michael Feary CFI 650-714-1469 mfeary@yahoo.com
Howard Foster CFI/CFII/MEI $90 650-787-7630 hfostercfi@yahoo.com
Heather Green CFI/CFII/MEI $65 650-279-5247 ownnav@hotmail.com
Robert Heyde CFI/CFII/MEI 408-505-0992 rheyde@earthlink.net
Dan Jacobson CFI/CFII/MEI $100 408-829-1043 danjacobson767@gmail.com
Elizabeth Kidney CFI/CFII/MEI $50 408-910-2197 ekidney@gmail.com
Libor Kovarcik CFI/CFII/MEI $90 650-283-9437 liborkovarcik@yahoo.com
Paul Kutler CFI $55 408-482-1028 pkutler@comcast.net
Kelly Odea CFI/CFII $80 650-722-2125 kellyodea@att.net
Steve Philipson CFI/CFII/MEI $80 408-568-6024 shp1@earthlink.net
Radu Popovici CFI/MEI $60 (650)279-4972 pradu2003@gmail.com
Richard Prillinger CFI/CFII/MEI $call 650-302-4497 prillinger@gmail.com
Evan Reed CFI/CFII $60 925 337-5381 cfievan@yahoo.com
Anton Sabev CFI/CFII/MEI Call 650-776-4435 anton@pilotratings.com
Brian Sanchez CFI/CFII/MEI 408-825-3955 brian@briansanchez.net
Gabe Somma CFI/CFII/MEI $60 650-804-0665 gabe@FlyBayArea.com
Peter Sturdza CFI/CFII/MEI Call 650-279-7171 Sturdza@stanfordalumni.org
Fred Thomas CFI/CFII/MEI $60.00 510-501-3733 thomasflyr@sbcglobal.net
Dan Tzur CFI Call (650)283-9722 dan@flypaloalto.com
Godfrey Watson CFI/CFII/MEI $40grd/$60 650-504-1890 Godfrey.Watson@comcast.net
Gilead Wurman CFI $50 (510)786-7200 gwurman@gmail.com

Click on a CFI's name for more information about that person.

All CFIs are independent contractors, so they can instruct here or at any other facility.

CFI - Certified Flight Instructor
CFII - Certified Instrument Flight Instructor
MEI - Multi-Engine Instructor

Instructors provide Recreational, Private, Instrument, Commercial, Airline Transport Rating, Multi-Engine, and Flight Instructor training. In addition, instructors are available for corporate flying, aircraft relocations, ferrying, etc.

Aircraft Checkouts

If you need an aircraft checkout, please be sure to contact a CFI from the list above and arrange a meeting time. You may want to fill out the Aircraft Checkout Form in advance to save time. Please check the Insurance Requirements page to determine if you need a checkout.

If you show up at the club without pre-arranging a checkout, there may or may not be a CFI available for you.

Continuing Education

FAA Wings Program, Lecture Series, Airline Interview Preparation, Marital Advice. We provide a full line of continuing education programs on demand and scheduled service.